Each of us has a unique rate at which we sweat. Many factors affect your sweat rate: body weight, fitness level, pace and intensity of activity, temperature, humidity, clothing, and hydration level. Taking inspiration from athletes in training, you can discover and manage your hydration levels and create a plan that helps you feel good about how much water you’re drinking. Athletes training hard drink an average of 400-600 ml (12-20 oz) two hours before intense exercise, or 5-7 ml/kg (16-20 oz/pound) of weight. Based on your own activity level and sweat rate, you can see how you might adjust your plan to fit your body and wellness goals.
Determining your baseline sweat rate for a specific activity is a simple formula:
Pre-activity weight - Post-activity weight + Ounces consumed during activity = Sweat rate
You can use this equation for any activity you do during the day and get an idea of how much water you need to replace the fluids you use when you’re exerting energy and sweating. For your sauna sessions, here’s how to use the equation:
Weight Method
- Weigh yourself without clothes right before you step into the sauna. The more exact weight you can measure the better – you need to know specific ounces.
- Enjoy your sauna session and write down the temperature, time, what you wore, and what you did (relax, stretch, yoga, meditate), and how much water you drank (or didn’t drink) during your session in ounces.
- Weigh yourself without clothes immediately after you step out of the sauna.
- Your weight loss is the measure of your sweat rate. (1 pound lost = 16 oz of fluid)
- If you drank water during your session, add in the number of ounces you consumed to the weight you lost.
- The resulting measure of ounces is your sweat rate for that activity and is a baseline for you to use going forward. You now have an idea of how much you want to hydrate to prepare for your session and rehydrate after.

Sweat Patch Method
Try a New Sweat Tracking Technology: Gx Sweat Patch
You may enjoy trying out a new tool just released this spring that makes measuring your sweat rate for an activity super easy and simple. It’s another way to get a benchmark idea of how much you sweat in a sauna session. Two companies recently collaborated to create a patch that measures sweat rate and sodium loss. It’s great information to have about your body to help you manage your water intake and electrolyte needs.
The Gx Sweat Patch comes in a package of two patches for $24 and connects to an app that tracks your bio data. You simply stick the patch on the inside of your forearm while you perform an activity and watch as it changes color. After you complete your activity, you scan the patch and the app translates what happened with your body into data: milliliters of fluid sweat out and amount of sodium lost (low, medium or high). The reason to watch sodium loss is to know if you need to replace electrolytes.